Vulva Care 101: DO’s, DON’Ts, and Everything in Between
Intimate hygiene can be a bit confusing, with all the conflicting advice out there. It’s easy to feel unsure about what’s actually good for you. One of the most important things is knowing the difference between your vulva and vagina, and understanding how to care for each properly. In this guide, let’s clear up the confusion and share tips on safe intimate hygiene.
How to Properly Wash Your Vulva
You might not take showers every day but you should wash your vulva at least once a day, at least with warm water.
Use Warm Water: The best way to clean your vulva is with warm water. Simply rinsing the area gently will remove sweat, urine, and other residues without disrupting the delicate balance of the skin. I wash daily with water and I use gentle vulvar washes when I take full body showers.
Go for Mild, Fragrance-Free Cleansers (If Needed): If you feel the need to use a cleanser, choose a mild, fragrance-free option. Your vulva’s skin is sensitive, and harsh cleansers or those with strong fragrances can cause irritation or dryness. Remember, you only need a small amount.
Wash the Folds Gently: The vulva has several folds and creases, particularly around the labia. Gently washing between these folds helps prevent the build-up of sweat and bacteria. Always use your hand and never scrub the area harshly. Some recommend using a washcloth, but I prefer to stay away from washcloths unless they’re a one-time-use.
Rinse Thoroughly: Make sure to rinse all vulva wash off completely. Leftover soap can cause irritation or dryness.
Pat Dry with a Clean Towel: After washing, gently pat the area dry with a clean towel. Avoid rubbing, as the skin is sensitive and can easily become irritated. Preferably and if you have time, let your vulva air-dry for 5–10 minutes before putting on underwear.
Wear Breathable Fabrics: After washing, ensure that your underwear is made from breathable fabrics like cotton. This helps keep the area dry and reduces the risk of infections.
What Not to Do: Avoid These Common Mistakes
Don’t Wash the Vagina: The vagina is self-cleaning and doesn’t need to be washed. Introducing soap, water, or other products inside the vagina can disrupt its natural pH balance, leading to infections or irritation. Trust your body’s natural processes to keep this internal area healthy. If you notice an usual scent please follow-up with your healthcare provider.
Avoid Douching: Douching is very unnecessary and extremely harmful for vaginal health. It washes away the beneficial bacteria that help keep the vagina healthy, disrupting the natural vaginal pH increasing the risk of infections like bacterial vaginosis.
Stay Away from the Scented Products: Scented sprays, wipes, lubes, or any other intimate area products might seem like a good idea to smell “good” down there, but they can actually cause more harm than good. These products can irritate the sensitive skin of the vulva and disrupt the natural balance of the vaginal area.
Be Cautious with Hair Removal: If you choose to remove pubic hair, be mindful of how you do it. Shaving or waxing can cause irritation or ingrown hairs. Always use a clean razor, shave in the direction of hair growth, and consider using a gentle aftercare product to soothe the skin.
Don’t Over wash: While it’s important to maintain good hygiene, over washing can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Washing once a day with water, and including a vulvar wash 3–4 times weekly is usually sufficient.
Next Steps now that you’re a PRO in intimate hygiene.
If you notice irritation, unusual discharge, burning sensation, or a scent different from your usual odor, it’s important to see a healthcare professional. These symptoms can be an indicator of an infection or another issue requires medical attention from a professional.
Taking care of your vulva and respecting your vagina’s self-cleaning nature is key to feeling good and staying healthy. By keeping things simple and avoiding a few common missteps, you can help your intimate area feel fresh and comfortable. Remember, when it comes to your body, less is often more — trust it to do its thing, and give it the gentle tender love and care it needs.